Friday, October 29, 2010

Star Plot

 A star plot allows you to show the value of different variables and then compare their relationship. This star plot shows the  different design possibilities of robots for NASA. As we see in the star plot, all the robots were very strong in some areas but performed low in others.

Similarity Matrix

A similarity matrix shows the similarity between different variables. This similarity matrix shows the relationship of longevity genes and diet, gender, etc. in mice.

Box Plot

A box plot is a suitable way of depicting certain groups of numerical data into a five number summary. This is a box plot of the annual snow depth at Mathsville Ski resort.

Triangular Plot

A Triangular plot is usually a graph of 3 variables, which is sometimes used in  geologic studies to show the comparative compositions of like rocks and soils.  They also can be used and applied to any kind of system using three variables. This is a diagram of the Hmax off Kauai for various slip allocations between three Aleutian Sources.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bilateral Graph

A bilateral graph is usually a graph that  displays two variables.It often shows an increase on one side of a zero line and a decrease on the other. On this bilateral graph it’s showing the trade balance of different countries and its deficit change.

Nominal Area Choropleth Map

The Nominal area choropleth map is a map that displays nominal data. This choropleth map is a map of the United States, and the distributions of the different religions around the nation, in different states.

Unstandardized Choropleth Map

Unstandardized Choropleth maps are maps that demonstrate information without averaging the data, in no sort of way using raw numbers. This detailed map shows the population in Europe.

Univariate Choropleth Map

A Univariate Choropleth map displays a one variable data set. This is showing the change of divorce rates in the United States from 1980 to 1990.


An Isobar is a connecting line that joins equals atmospheric pressure. This is an isobar map of Europe.


The LIDAR is a remote sensing system that measures certain properties of spreaded light to search for information of a isolated target.


A Cartogram is a map that shows a certain variable substituted for geographical size or area on a map.

Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map

A Continuously Variable Proportional Circle Map is a map that utilizes a proportional circle to create point data.The circles show data measurements continuously and can be any size in proportion to the data being measured.  This is a Continuously Variable Proportional Circle map of the Mexican population in particular states in the Western United States in 1990
Click on "Mexican population with spheres/volumes"

Range Graded Proportional Circle Map

A range graded proportional circle map is a circle map that represents the circles in proportion to ranges of data. This is a proportional circle map of the internet users in 2004 in Europe.

Monday, October 11, 2010


A DOQQ is a digital uniform level image formed from aerial like photos. This is an aerial image of the Mission Bay, Texas.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The DLG, which stands for Digital Line graph, is a digital vector data map that symbolizes cartographic information, which can contain a variety of information like roads, and boundaries. DLG maps are created using map from the USGS.


The DRG, which means Digital Raster Graphics, that are scanned images of the U.S Geological Survey topographic maps. 

Standadized Choropleth Maps

The standardized Choropleth map is a map that shows the different distributions of data within a particular area. This is a standardized choropleth map of the Per Pupil Expenditure for Public Education in North Carolina.

Lorenz Curve

The Lorenz Curve is a graph that represents the distribution of a variable as well as an independent variable.  It also includes the cumulative percentage of the values.


The DEM, which stands for Digital elevation model is a representation of a ground surface topography, and is digital. This digital elevation model is a model of Eritrea, Africa

Flow Map

The flow map is a map that shows objects or people moving from one location to another. For example, it might show the amount of people in a migration or the number of goods being exchanged. This map shows truck flow across the United States.


An Isotach map is a map that shows lines in a given surface that connects points with equal wind speed.This is a isotach of Eastern United States.


An isopach map is a map of areal extent and depth of a stratigrapic unit. It is also used in geological exploration for structural analysis and oil. This is an isopach map of Holocene Overburden.

Isopleth Map

An isopleth map is a map that shows data value by means of lines joining points of equal value. This is a isopleth map of Spain.

Black and White Aerial Photo

A Black and White Aerial Photo is a black and white photo which is much like a satellite view but taken by an airplane. This is a black and white aerial photo of downtown Kansas City in Missouri.